速報APP / 商業 / Easy Task-List

Easy Task-List



檔案大小:7 MB


版本需求:需要 iOS 8.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


Easy Task-List(圖1)-速報App

Being a human, We can’t remember everything …


To remember your Day to Day task was never easy as like today. To you make free from remembering tedious routine, Easy task list has been developed. This app is the most easy, efficient & extremely functional which will work on your fingers as per your convenience and that too without unwanted Advertisement. This app is discover & develop to give you following upshot :

E – Efficiency in Work

Easy Task-List(圖2)-速報App

A – Accessibility & alert about task anytime .

S – Siri / speech kit will write for you when you are busy doing other things.

Y – You & your work is prior for us, so our app will also add reminder / calendar event to the device calendar .

T – Technological advancement going to part of your day to day task to make it easy using gestures

Easy Task-List(圖3)-速報App

A – Awakes you for all task like raising alarm using “Daily Notifications”.

S – Synchronises your brain traffic to the app via your speech or fingertip

K – Keeps you reminding about status of task list.

Feel free to contact us for any kind of support : support@evincedev.com

Easy Task-List(圖4)-速報App

We hope you will love our application as much as we love, Download it today and review it, your reviews / suggestions are important for us for betterment of the product.

Easy Task-List(圖5)-速報App
